Stephen Molineux #194


“I run to escape into the mountains. Cresting peaks, bombing mountainsides, fording rivers, in the remotest areas of the country. Escaping the daily bustle of life, work & people. Trusting solely on yourself, your fitness, planning and nutrition to access the backcountry, and to get yourself back out again.

I run to experience nature, to immerse yourself in it and explore all it has to offer. I run for the community, the beers, the banter and the shared experiences. I run for the challenge, the self-improvement, the training, and the discipline. A further distance, a higher mountain, a faster time, all waiting – if you put the work in.

I run because the movement feels amazing. To stretch out ligaments, work the muscles and get the endorphins flowing!”

Stephen @stephenmolineux
Photo taken on the Kepler Track, Te Anau

Portraits of Runners + their stories

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