“Initially I started running with my husband after work, as a way for us to catch-up on our day. Later I became really motivated to enter my first half marathon and we started training for that together. After we moved to New Zealand, Hardus started doing more trail running and I really had to reflect and think about whether I really enjoy running, since I prefer road-running over trail-running. And I 100% do!
Then last year I started experiencing symptoms of which I thought was a heart attack. Tightness in my chest, struggling to breathe deeply, and I got such a fright. After doing a lot of research and going to the doctor, I discovered that I was struggling with anxiety. I felt so ashamed, as if I wasn’t strong enough to cope with everything. And I didn’t want to share it with anyone, scared that they might also think the same. I try to always be positive and light-hearted, I don’t want to be a burden on others. I thought ‘no one would want to associate with someone that’s dealing with that!’.
But running has been so instrumental in coping with this in a healthy way. Being able to run is such a wonderful gift that I’m grateful to have had. Every run will not be amazing and sometimes you have to really dig deep to find a good reason to go for a run, but it’s totes worth it! I’m not a professional and I am faaaaar from being good at it, but I absolutely love it!”
Frieda @frieksie
Portraits of Runners + their stories