Luxmore Grunt Recce


An epic Kepler adventure and group run with this crew. Not the A Plan of helicoptering to Luxmore and running out to Rainbow Reach via the Alpine section and Iris Burn. Abundant snow and low cloud cancelling helicopter flights and any chance of getting across the tops… still if there’s one thing trail and ultra runners are good at, it’s adaption and pivoting when everything goes out the window. What didn’t change though was the camaraderie and company and it was fantastic to spend time running, hiking and sliding through forest trails and snowy mountains together, getting to better know these legends.

No helicopter on the helipad this time, just 11 stoked runners having the best day out.

Two runners, Tash #227 and Nath #121 have already featured on the RunnersNZ Project, and soon everyone else here will have their photo and WHY stories there too. From conversation on the trail and getting to know everyone… there’s some gems coming.

Thanks so much team!!

📸 the crew
Scott @scottylightnin
Kaitlin @kaitlin_walll
Hannah @_hannah_jackson
Lotte @lottekins @ascent_psychology
Kat @sherbetweb
Nath @nath_webber
Tash @run.n.lift
Amy @dr.amy.psychologist
Adam @apvaslet
Lee @mr_webber_
Carly @carly_webber

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