Vicky Trewern #175


“Growing up I was that kid who hated running anything longer than a 100 metre sprint.  When the annual cross country would appear at school I’d be either faking an injury or writing my own note to excuse myself. I really did not enjoy running. This didn’t change as I got older and even when I married my husband, who is a runner, I was still not sold on the idea. Occasionally he would drag me out for a short run, but I’d be so grumpy and couldn’t run longer than a few hundred metres at a time, that he eventually gave up…

Then after I had my second child I decided I needed to get fit. I had a few ‘non-running’ friends who had recently completed a half marathon, so I decided that if they could do it, then so could I. No excuses!

I entered the Wellington Half Marathon with no idea how much training I would need to do.  But once committed, that forced me out the door on regular runs. Somehow over the following weeks and months I stopped dreading my daily run, but started looking forward to it and would  get grumpy if I could not fit it in. That was 15 years ago, and I still love running today.

I find it great stress relief, and ‘me time’ and love that it is so easy – you just need to put on your shoes and run out the door…. About five years ago friends introduced me to trail running which was another game changer. I quickly realised I loved the adventure and peacefulness of the trails, exploring new places, being surrounded by nature and the company of running with others. Plus it was a bonus to learn that it is acceptable and often ‘expected’ to walk up hills when off road. 

Running is a part of me now. I cannot imagine ever quitting.”

Vicky @vicky_twn
Photo taken at Race Tekapo

Portraits of Runners + their stories

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