Shane Whooley #233

“Why do you run?” is such an interesting question! The simple answer these days is that I want to be able to, at the drop of a hat, take up the invitation to do a crazy adventure. A prime example of that would be the recent “Hey, wanna run the Routeburn in a day?” which is where this photo was taken and was a very last-minute decision on my part.

I really only started running during COVID-19 as it was the only exercise that I could do that was remotely interesting near my home. Prior to that, I didn’t understand the appeal of endurance exercise and had never really run more than 5km. Since starting, I’ve run a couple of 50km races and regularly get out for 20 or 30km on the weekends, just to keep fit.

I’ve found that running is probably the best way for me to get out in nature, clear my head, and relieve stress and anxiety. I don’t suffer terribly from mental health concerns, but when I do feel particularly down, I can always get out and find the space that I need when trotting through the hills. I’ve had some pretty emotional moments when running that I wouldn’t usually give myself the space to experience otherwise. Life is too full of distractions, but the hills are not (save for the views!).

Perhaps it’s a function of being fitter now than I’ve been in the past, but during a long run is one of the only times I can truly switch off and zone out. I can get into my head without distraction. A perfect example of this would be the fact that I can listen intently to and absorb audiobooks while running. I can’t even do this while walking through town due to the small level of concentration needed to navigate people, streets, etc. But running, even on terribly uneven trails, somehow gives me that space and ability to power down my brain slightly. It’s a fantastic privilege.

I’m always very thankful for my ability to run long distances and the opportunity for adventures that this provides me. I’m Irish, and now living on the south island of New Zealand, I’m grateful every time I can get out and experience this wonderful country. The facilities and landscapes we have here are out of this world and having a body that’s fit and able enough to take full advantage of that is something that I’ll never take for granted and forever endeavour to maintain.

Adventure, health, fitness, beauty, freedom, companionship, friendship, clarity, nature, air, breath, space… these are some of the reasons that I run.”

Shane @shane_whooley
Photo taken on the Routeburn Track, Fiordland

Portraits of Runners + their stories

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